Sunday, July 8, 2007

Birthday Suggestion

I need more time - or, at least, I need to figure out how to better use the time that I have.

There is so much that I want to do, and I do not have enough time. So, projects that are important to me are not going as well as I would have liked.

And, I make mistakes.

Some readers may have noticed that the blog entry before this one used to be exactly like the blog entry in my Atheist Ethicist blog. That was a mistake - cause by being too tired or too rushed. I do not mean to offer duplicate posts.

Anyway, I am getting behind on the things that I have said I want to do, and yet I still want to add more things to the list.

So, here's what I want.

I have a birthday coming up.

I would like, for my birthday, to have $2 million in cash (post-tax). I will then invest that money, allowing me to draw a reasonably sufficient income, allowing me to quit my job, and work full time on all of the projects that I would like to be working on.

Is that too much to ask?

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