Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Message on Patriotism

Here is a message on patriotism that deserves some recognition.

The Meaning of Patriotism.

Patriotism is ACTION inspired by a profound sense of RESPONSIBILITY to one's country. American patriotism is a duty to act toward the creation of a more perfect union. Sometimes that duty means voting. Sometimes it means becoming a warrior or politician. Sometimes it means protesting and civil disobedience. Sometimes it means raising your voice and speaking strongly in advocacy for your position on an issue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You posted:
"American patriotism is a duty to act toward the creation of a more perfect union."
I prefer the Founding Fathers' language to Mike W's. Mike used "create" which means to make something new, something that would not evolve having been left alone. The Founding Fathers were not creating a union but were attempting to develop a construct that would move it toward a more perfect union. They used the word "form" in the Preamble to the Constitution.
If you and Mike would like to create a new union, please go do it elsewhere. Somehow I do not believe that yours will rise to the level of success of that attributable to the likes of Jefferson, Madison, et al.